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Recruiting Feature
Top Men's Classes - 2020 Rankings

Happy Memorial Day! While Spring 2020 has been a weird, scary time, college recruiting is one area that has provided some normalcy. Although the recruiting process is certainly different without formal competition, junior tennis players have continued to make connections with college coaches. The commitment numbers for the Class of 2020 - currently more than 1,600 commitments from seniors (boys, girls) - is consistent with previous years.

For the past 15 years, TRN has kicked off recruiting class ranking season on Memorial Day, and this year will be no different. We are excited to present the Top 25 Men’s Recruiting Classes for the Class of 2020.


Media Poll

The Tennis Recruiting Network has again enlisted the aid of junior tennis experts to determine the top classes. Reporters, national and international tournament directors, referees, ranking chairmen, and writers from across the country have donated their time and talents to vote on these top classes. Panelists for this voting period are shown below.

Each of our panelists submitted his/her take on the Top 25 recruiting classes. Schools received 25 points for each first-place vote, 24 points for each second-place vote, on down to 1 point for each 25th-place vote. The panelists were told not to consider incoming transfer students in their voting - and also did not consider incoming freshmen who are competing this spring.

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Full Listings: Boys' Commits & Girls' Commits


Page updated on Monday, November 04, 2024
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