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Case Western Adds Another Tennis-Playing Ramani

Nikhil Ramani (WTN: 21.7) had a reliable inside source to let him know what it was like to be a tennis player at Case Western University.

His older sister, Shreya, attended the school and played for the women’s team from 2019-23 while majoring in biomedical engineering.

Four-Star Nikhil Ramani Has Committed to Case Western
© Bill Kallenberg

Ramani decided to extend the family legacy at the Ohio-based institution. The four-star senior from Fremont, California has committed to Case Western.

Ramani was already familiar with the campus and has known men’s head coach Todd Wojtkowski for the last six years because of his sister’s presence at the school.

“He is very passionate. I know that he's really serious and he really cares about the team. He wants to win a national title,” Ramani said. “It was kind of just a no-brainer to commit there, because it's perfect for me.”

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Page updated on Monday, January 20, 2025
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