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Spring Signing Week '13: Signing Week Arrives

The second week of April is here - and Signing Week has finally arrived! This Wednesday, April 17th, is Signing Day - the first day in 2013 that high school seniors can formally commit to a Division I or Division II tennis program. The past month we have spent counting down the days, but today we launch our coverage of Spring Signing Week '13.

In this first article, we take a look at our schedule for the week, and we also update you on the status of the top 100.


Signing Week Coverage

All week, TennisRecruiting.net will bring you new features on the seniors. These articles will run in addition to our usual content - the Class Rankings List and RPI rankings that we publish from Tuesday through Friday.

Take a look at our coverage schedule - and then get up-to-date on the Top 100...


Top 100 Update

The vast majority of the top 100 - boys and girls - had already made their college decisions when we checked in with them in March.

We have tried to get in touch with the undecideds in the meantime, and today we take one last look at their status before the big day on Wednesday. Several recruits have narrowed their lists, some are thinking seriously about deferring college for a year, and a few more have made verbal commitments. Let's take a look at the lists...


Boys' Status (as of April 12, 2013)

The table below shows the updated status of the Top 100 recruits who were undecided in mid-March. The Commitment column shows whether the recruit has made a verbal commitment or is undecided, while the Interests column indicates schools of interest. Rankings shown are not current rankings - but rather rankings from March 26.

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2/15 Claudia Ribeiro chooses Rhodes
2/14 Arya Ganapathy Kallambella chooses Denison
2/14 Elijah Noel chooses Portland
2/14 Anastasia Akuginova chooses Toledo
2/14 David Wu chooses Harvard
2/13 Grace May chooses Rhodes
2/13 Namrata Makhija chooses Texas Dallas
2/13 Sebastian Hyjek chooses The Citadel
2/13 Isabella Barretto chooses Toledo
2/13 Kui Chi Antonio Lee chooses Colby

Full Listings: Boys' Commits & Girls' Commits


Page updated on Monday, November 04, 2024
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